High Quality Olive Oils and Vinegars
Sample more than 50 varieties of the finest, freshest imported extra virgin olive oils, all natural, aged balsamic vinegars and specialty oils. Our olives are grown and pressed by artisans and small farms throughout the world and are 100% extra virgin, unfiltered and settled. All of our oils and vinegars are imported to our stores in Asheville and Charlotte and bottled locally on site.
ShopFeatured Recipes
Quinoa and Edamame Salad with Dill Infused Olive Oil
You may have heard edamame and quinoa being called superfoods for their nutritional benefits. In this salad dish, we just call them delicious. Both...
Orzo Chicken Pasta Salad with Lemon Olive Oil and Neapolitan Herb Balsamic Vinegar
This recipe is a quick crowd pleaser. Roast the vegetables while the pasta is cooking. Mix up the dressing and then toss it all together. To prepare...
Coconut Curry Butternut Squash Soup with Spicy Olive Oil
As the fall temperatures get cooler, we always seem to remember how nothing satisfies better than a warm bowl of soup. And why settle for something...
Spicy Calabrian Pesto Pasta Chips
This Tik Tok trending recipe of pasta chips turned out fantastic. If you have an air fryer it’s quite simple. Take cooked pasta, season it and...
Educational Resources
Balsamic Vinegar Health Benefits
Balsamic vinegar health benefits comprise reduced risks of heart diseases, cancer and other infectious diseases. Moreover, balsamic vinegar...
Oil and Vinegar FAQs
Q: What is Extra Virgin Olive Oil? To produce olive oil, ripe olives are crushed and cold pressed to extract the oil. It is best to do this...
How To Taste Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Just as different types of grapes make different wines, different types of olives make distinct types of olive oil. The olives are also impacted by...
Why Cooking with Extra Virgin Olive Oil is ALWAYS Better For You
Smoke Point vs. Free Fatty Acids Below you will find a handy dandy chart relating specific FFA (Free Fatty Acids) of extra virgin olive oil to its...