Need a new and creative venue for your next wine tasting, book club or social gathering in Charlotte? We are back to hosting parties at Olive This! At our olive oil tasting parties you and your guests will enjoy after-hours access for personal tours, private tastings, recipe ideas and our recommended pairings. Bring your favorite food and beverages to serve your guests at the Charlotte shop. The venue and staffing for the event are both free of charge.
For more details please call: 704-544-8099. Charlotte only.
Not only would I like a cost and how many people, times, length, days of the week etc. Is this something that could be brought to an office environment.
Brian, Tasting parties are typically held at the store after hours during the week although we have held virtual and off-sight parties as well. Please call us to talk through your ideas. We can talk through cost as well. Parties off-sight are more limited but not impossible.